- 2新鲜磨碎的奶酪来讲(6盎司)
- 1/4杯子中筋面粉
- 1,公司成熟的梨
- 优秀的香醋,细雨(可选)
份:8份。在一个中等大小的碗里,把来讲奶酪2勺面粉。热一个10英寸的不粘锅中用中火温和的热量和轻尘与面粉。撒上1汤匙的奶酪到4英寸轮锅。重复做2轮。煮到轮设置和边缘浅金黄色,大约30秒。把frico煮大约10秒时间,然后小心翼翼地转移到板冷却。重复做在一层,其余frico轻轻拂拭锅里更多的面粉。把梨切成薄片。风扇上的片frico和几滴香醋。 Arrange on a platter and serve at once. Notes: The frico can be kept in an airtight container for up to 1 day. Frico cu las cartufulas (frico with potatoes in Friulan dialect) MONTASIO cheese (typical from Friuli) medium aged (6-8 months) potatoes rosemary (optional) butter Use the two ingredients in equal parts (cheese and potatoes). Put butter to melt in frying pan. Dice the potatoes and fry in melted butter (the original should be lard) without making them become crunchy, and mash them slightly. When a golden crust appears on the sides, add the diced cheese. Once it melts stir. Let fry on moderate heat, turning around very carefully. When both sides are well golden-red and start to get crunchy, serve hot. Accompany with a robust red wine (Barbera, o Merlo from Friuli), and with (compulsory) polenta (which you will prepare in advace, put to cool on a wooden table, and cut in slices). Frico with mushrooms 2 parts champignon mushrooms 1 part potatoes 2 parts MONTASIO cheese butter slice mushrooms, dice potatoes and cheese Put butter to melt in frying pan. When melted add potatoes and mushrooms, mash lightly the potatoes, and make sure they don't become crunchy. Add cheese, and when melted, stir. Turn around carefully, and when golden-red crunchy crust appears on both sides, serve.