- 500克面粉
- 500克黄油
- 塔塔粉1茶匙
- 1汤匙柠檬汁
- 冰水
- 1蛋黄
- 1杯和塔塔粉1茶匙生粉筛过
所有成分尽可能地酷。筛面粉和酒石酸氢钾3次。把黄油分成5等份。一块黄油切成的面粉和摩擦直到它像面包屑。另外,把面粉和黄油放进你的食物处理器和过程到好。一起打蛋黄,柠檬汁,加入1杯冰水。把这个拌入面粉的刀片刀直到面团。轻轻揉搓和冷藏(覆盖着塑料包装)10分钟。同时,炉篦每个剩余块黄油,放入冰箱。最好预先冻结每一块黄油和格栅使用食品加工机。 Roll out the dough into a rectangle.Fold the 2 long sides in thirds so that they overlap. Now do the same with the short sides.(if you're unsure, check a pastry book for the folding).Roll out to a rectangle again. Sprinkle with 1 portion of the grated butter - if it sticks together in lumps just regrate over the pastry.leave a 2cm margin around the edges. Sift the cornflour/cream of tartar liberally over the mixture. Fold as before and roll. Repeat till all the butter and cornflour is used up. Then roll and fold again twice (without any butter or cornflour). To prevent the dough sticking while rolling lightly flour the rolling pin and board - I use cornflour for this. The best surface to use is a marble pastry board if you have one otherwise any large flat surface will do. Roll very lightly so the butter blends into the pastry - no lumps of butter should break through (this is why we grate the butter). If at any time the pastry becomes too sticky, refrigerate for a few minutes and continue. Once finished, refrigerate for 30 minutes, then roll out again and use as required. Glaze with a little milk before baking. To bake preheat the oven to 250deg celsius.Put the pastry in for 5 minutes, then turn down the heat to 220 degrees celsius. Bake for 10 minutes then turn down to 180 degrees celsius and bake till done.