

夏天一个家庭传统和仪式给我抓grenouilles,或者青蛙,消遣我喜欢与我的兄弟每年夏天我们的青春。我们使用捕捉小龙虾以及青蛙在我们家附近的池塘和小溪Bourg-en-Bresse或Neyron附近。捕捉小龙虾,我们绑在一起的木头,创建一个包两到三英尺左右,近小溪的宽度。我们会把肉和鱼,eggshells-anything edible-into木头,让它有一天左右,然后把整个木包水和把它在草地上的银行。当我们打开它,传播它,我们会找到一个爬过的十几个小龙虾木头块检索可食用的比特和住在那里。我妈妈会做这些很美味和高度的蔬菜的股票,我们会吃它们融化的黄油和蛋黄酱和面包。抓青蛙的奖。经典的捕捉方式是用绳子绑在木杆。在字符串的结束,我们附加一小块红布。青蛙爱红色,将夹嘴。 Then, with a flick of the wrist, we tried to make the frog jump out of the pond, or botasse, which had edges lined with water lilies and long reeds, perfect as a hiding place for frogs. We would get a few frogs this way, but eventually we devised a better method that we still use. We go out at night with a flashlight and a little net, and shine the light at the frog, getting as close to it as we can. Somewhat hypnotized by the light, the frog doesn’t move. We clamp the net down over it, and then carefully remove it from the net. When Claudine was very young and spent summers in France with her cousins, she learned to love the plump, juicy, and tender frog legs that she called “les petites cuisses,” or “tiny legs.” She requested them each time we went to a small bistro or country inn in the Lyon area. I have many frogs in my pond, but I have to fight the rest of nature to get them. Whether it is an egret, a heron, a hawk, or a raccoon, something seems to consume a great many of our frogs. Even though we have thousands of tadpoles in our little pond each spring, the frog population declines through the summer because of competition with nature. Yet we still get enough frogs once or twice a year to keep the tradition alive. I do not enjoy killing animals, but I know how to kill a frog well and fast. Grab it by its back legs and bang its head a couple of times on a nearby rock. This kills the frog instantly. If you don’t plan to catch your own frogs for this dish, you can find fresh or frozen frog legs at many fish markets and specialty stores, and they can also be purchased from online sources. Note that the yield for this recipe is for only one portion, which is often the case when I go hunting for frogs, as I usually end up with enough for one or two servings at most. Yet, if buying frogs for this dish, you can always extend the recipe to serve as many guests as you like. Frogs are not served at a formal dinner; they are the ultimate finger food and a treat at home in summer or in the little bistros of the Lyon area, where grenouilles persillade is always featured on summer menus. There are many ways to prepare frog legs. Sometimes they are sautéed and garnished with stewed tomatoes, and in Bourg-en-Bresse they are poached in white wine and shallots and finished with tarragon and cream. Yet the classic way to serve frog legs is with a persillade, a combination of parsley and garlic. To dress a frog, cut the skin down the back, and insert a finger of each hand under the skin. Pull in opposite directions until the skin slides off. Remove the guts, and using scissors, cut off the head and the feet. Discard the skin, head, and feet. Wash the legs well under cold water, and dry with paper towels.












  • 1打青蛙腿
  • 和新鲜的黑胡椒粉
  • 面粉,最好是Wondra
  • 花生油
  • 1茶匙大蒜,切
  • 2汤匙欧芹,粗碎
  • 1汤匙甜黄油
  • 少许柠檬汁


  1. 青蛙腿上洒盐和新鲜的黑胡椒粉,和浸在面粉,最好是一个即时的品种,像Wondra,给光涂层和一个漂亮的外壳。热2汤匙花生油的锅,最好是不粘锅的,和煮青蛙腿2½两侧各3分钟,直到他们漂亮的金色,轻轻陈年的。肉应该保持湿润和坚定的。完成这道菜大蒜和欧芹,和加入黄油。添加少许柠檬汁和服务。





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作为一个住在法国而是厌倦听到一半的英国人或英国人制造出像他们极度ladida因为他们一直在法国一些随机的村庄。很少有法国人吃青蛙腿每次他们去小酒馆的里昂附近的起动器(双关语)。青蛙腿有点像吃你的耳垂,每个动物很少有吃,味道很像一个滑,煮鸡肉块。记住这些生物整天吃苍蝇。他们也遭受广泛的真菌疾病,繁荣,繁荣,污水和化学污染。瑞士(吃约1.2吨)正在寻求有禁止的前提是与鱼翅——杀死动物非人,然后使用一个非常小的一部分(少于20 pct)的动物是不公正的。美国人,对他们来说,每年进口460万磅的青蛙腿,代表青蛙,估计有11亿和440万磅的活青蛙。欧盟进口惊人的920万磅的青蛙腿,或23亿青蛙,每年。大多数都是野生捕获Indonesiaa€¦悲伤的评论欧洲大学协会€™s保护伦理,考虑到本地欧洲青蛙可能不会被收集。因此在法国买青蛙意味着(和法国不会告诉你这个,除非你问作者显然没有)购买一个孟加拉/印尼青蛙。 India has now banned the export of frogs because they found they had to use huge amounts of pesticides in their place - pesticides that still remain in the lakes that are poached.Lastly, having done an extremely quick Google search, the quickest means to kill a native frog (and again, this is ILLEGAL in France and Switzerland, wake-up) is not 'by banging its head on a rock a few times which kills it instantly', but I rather feel that sums up the maturity of your article..






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