- 1/2C干芥末粉,轻轻包装
- 3./4C冷水
- 11/2橙皮或陈皮,切碎
- 2 TB干杏,切丁
- 2 TB干桃子,切丁
- 2 TB干无花果,切丁
- 2 TB蜜饯樱桃,切丁
- 2盎司金葡萄干,包装好
- 1/2C白葡萄酒、大米或苹果醋
- 1/2c糖
- 这是盐
- 2到4 TB新鲜柠檬汁
把芥末和冷水一起放在碗里搅拌,直到所有的团块都消失。让混合物静置至少一个小时,最好是三到四个小时。将橙子皮放入约一杯水中煮5分钟。沥干肉丝,然后剁细;保留皮屑。如果干果不嫩,用沸水覆盖,静置5分钟,然后沥干水分。将沥干的橙子皮、醋和糖放入一个中等大小的平底锅中,用中火煮5分钟,直到糖浆变稠。加入盐搅拌,然后加入水果和芥末混合物。用中高火搅拌混合物,直到沸腾并均匀变稠。关火。 When the mustard has cooled, taste it and add lemon juice to taste. Scrape the mustard into a clean, dry jar and store it, covered, in the refrigerator. If it should thicken too much upon standing, thin it with more lemon juice or with water. Yield: About 1 1/2 cups. Keeps indefinitely in the refrigerator. Good with cold ham or smoked poultry, especially when it's been mixed half-and-half with any bitter-orange marmalade.