- 8盎司新鲜的柠檬汁,紧张
- 8盎司三秒
- 12盎司龙舌兰酒
- 飞溅的橙汁(1 - 2盎司,你的口味)
玛格丽塔准备眼镜边缘涂上石灰条子,然后蘸粗盐。结合材料一夸脱容器,大力摇,再加一些冰块和动摇。服务了大量的冰salt-rimmed眼镜。一片新鲜的柠檬。注:没有代替新鲜的柠檬汁。不需要使用一个非常昂贵的龙舌兰酒,但是寻找一个“笔名”代码;不要买真正的cheapies缺乏。三秒可以获得几个酒精含量;减少这些玛格丽特的效力,使用酒精较低版本。如果可能的话,提前让12 - 24小时和冷藏; flavors meld together. For convenience, I use a plastic quart container that is marked in 4 oz increments. I strain the lime juice directly into a 1-cup measure, dump that into the container, add the triple sec and tequila to the appropriate marks, shake like everything, and it's ready. If you don't want your margaritas on ice, use a lot more ice in the mixture and pour into smaller glasses, these are potent, and need dilution as they are consumed!