- 1杯(2根)无盐黄油,室温
- 8盎司包法国干酪奶酪,室温
- 1/2杯糖
- 23/4杯子中筋面粉
- 1茶匙盐
- 3/4杯糖
- 2/3杯(3 1/2盎司)蔓越莓干,切碎
- 2/3杯(2 3/4盎司)切碎烤核桃和杏仁
- 1/2杯(1把)无盐黄油,融化了
- 2茶匙肉桂粉
- 1茶匙地面甜胡椒
- 1大蛋,殴打混合
- 额外的糖
黄油和奶酪在大碗里搅拌至光。添加糖;打至蓬松。加入面粉和盐。收集揉成球,轻揉至光滑。把面团分成8等份。收集每一个球;平到磁盘。用塑料膜和冷却1小时。3/4杯混合糖、小红莓、核桃、黄油,肉桂和胡椒小碗里混合。 Set aside. Position rack in center of oven and preheat to 350F. Place 1 dough disk on floured work surface (keep remaining 7 dough disks refrigerated). Roll out dough to 8-inch round. Spread 3 tablespoons filling over round, leaving 1/2-inch border. Cut round into 8 wedges. Starting at wide end of each wedge, roll up tightly and completely to tip. Place cookies, tip pointing down, on ungreased baking sheet and form into crescents. Repeat with 3 more dough disks and filling. Brush cookies with egg. Sprinkle additional sugar over. Bake until golden, about 20 minutes. Transfer cookies to racks and cool. Repeat with remaining 4 disks, filling, egg and sugar. Makes 64